The Final ‘Current Level of Functioning’ Document as Negotiated by the Hartmanns for Mark

Mark Hartmann: Current Level of Functioning
March 18, 1994 IEP Meeting


Mark is an 8-6 year old second grade student at Ashburn Elementary School. Mark has been clinically diagnosed as having autism and is receiving special education services which include SpeechILanguage Therapy, Occupational Therapy and an Instructional Aide to support him in his general education classroom.

Mark follows the general routines of the classroom using a daily schedule and verbal cues and prompts. He indicates that he enjoys whole class lecture activities, will sit quietly and is a "good listener" during story time (2nd quarter report card, School Psychologist report 1/3 and 1/11/94). Mark listens and follows directions in Music and appears to understand and respond to the concepts presented. He participates well in Art, with an adapted routine and support from the teacher. Mark is learning to cooperate and participate in Physical Education, although he is not yet fully participating in all group activities (2nd quarter report card). Mark is accepted well by his peers (February draft, Current Level of Functioning). Mark's ability to stay on task is variable, with understanding and motivation playing a part (February 28 staff/parent meeting).

Mark is nonverbal, with the exception of occasionally saying "yes" softly when he nods his head. Most often Mark uses gestures and vocalizations when he is happy, sad, enthused or to get the attention of a "listener." Mark is learning to use a variety of communication systems which include communication boards, Facilitation on a Cannon Communicator for academic work and classroom interactions and limited use of signs for "no", "yes" and "more" (Occupational Therapy Report 11/29 and Parental Reporting.) Mark does not yet use his augmentative communication systems independently or spontaneously. His parents report that he recently typed snow" on his Canon to ask his father for snow from the yard. Mark does independently copy words, phrases and sentences with "incredible accuracy" (2nd marking period speech and language report, February current level of functioning draft).

Educational testing was administered in January with limited results in terms of baseline scores under standardized and/or non-standardized conditions. Mark demonstrated difficulty with items involving reading comprehension, writing/typing to identify a letter representing a sound given by the examiner and writing words dictated. It was noted that Mark's ability to write recognizable letters on paper was affected in part by his weak fine motor control. However, two Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Revised Sub tests were administered "fairly close to standardized" conditions" and Mark demonstrated success in locating words or letters different from the other three and in picking out specific letters or words, indicating an ability to visually recognize similarities and differences among words and identifying "missing" letters or combinations of letters. Mark was also able to match a number sticker to sets of stickers on a page, demonstrate some ability to complete addition problems and count objects on the computer screen using his finger (Educational Report 1/7, 1/10 and 1/11/94).

Mark's teacher reports that time telling on the hour and half-hour using a computer game program are frustrating and appear to be concepts that Mark does not understand at this time. She also confirms that Mark can count, as evidenced by his performance on the "Counting Critters" computer program (2nd quarter report card).

Mark has difficulty initiating social interactions with his peers. Most recent teacher reports indicate that Mark is a passive participant in small group or paired activities. He has demonstrated some ability in turn-taking and to a limited extent is responsive in interpersonal interactions at school. Mark recognizes and appreciates verbal praise, senses when he has angered other people and responds to simple, light humor. He is comfortable with his classmates and is responsive to their assistance (School Psychologist Report 1/3 and 1/11/94). Mark's parents confirm that he enjoys tickling games with his sister and is very appropriately "tuned in" to their direction and praise. Mark does not make consistent eye contact to peers or adults and does not often actively engage in "give and take" when paired with other students for social studies, science and health activities (2nd quarter report card). Mark is using aggressive behaviors such as hitting, kicking out or pinching to communicate negative responses. Ashburn staff members are implementing a behavior program of rewards to encourage Mark to behave in a more positive way. They report progress in this area.

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