
List of Photographs transcending from birth to the present time: Mark Hartmann – the Early years Part 1

  • Mark Hartmann – the Early years Part 1 Mark as a baby (Mexico City) before autism – Laura Welcoming Mark home

  • Mark and Laura at friend’s house playing with puppies – before autism

  • Mark Hartmann – Early Years Part 2 (Back in the USA) Mark at 3 years at home in the States.

  • Joseph, Roxana, Mark and Laura visiting Chicago

  • Mark with autism in preschool

  • Mark visiting Laura preschool to celebrate her 4th Birthday

  • Mark in Kindergarten

  • Mark in 1st Grade

  • Mark in 1st Grade with Laura – Lombard

  • Mark in 5th Grade – ready for trip to Washington’s Kennedy Center

  • Mark in Middle School

  • Mark with Friends going to Celebrate his Birthday

  • Mark with his Prom Date – the day before the Junior Prom

  • Mark with his Prom Date at the Senior Prom

  • Mark’s Graduation from High School

  • Mark as Usher at Friend’s Wedding

  • Mark Hartmann ( Part 3 ) Mark as a teen Mark at 6 grade at home with Sister Laura

  • Mark ready for his 8 grade dance with his sister Laura

  • Mark and Laura celebrating our last Christmas in Ashburn

  • Mark 22-year-old visiting Laura in Boston.

  • Mark (25-years-old) Waiting for a plane out of Charlotte flying home after a visit in Florida.

  • Mark and Laura Celebrating Mark’s 25th birthday in Maine.

  • Mark, as a Senior, with his sister and father Celebrating Christmas in Blacksburg.

  • Mark and Laura at home in Blacksburg Laura a freshman at St. Louis University Madrid And Mark a senior at Blacksburg High School.

  • Laura and Mark celebrating Christmas at the Mayflower Hotel in Wash, D.C.

  • Mark is passionate doing yoga for over 10 years.

  • Mark celebrating his 30th birthday.

  • Mark at the local Horse farm providing water to the horse and being relaxed with his new found friend. Mark age 29.

  • Mark with Laura in DC for her civil wedding. Age 33.

  • Mark enjoying Laura and Josh’s Wedding with family.

  • Mark at home relaxing cruising the net.

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